The goal is a happy marriage. One where love and harmony continually expands every day, even decades later.
Isn’t that exactly what you want from your marriage? Most couples don’t think in these terms. Perhaps they are afraid to have such lofty expectations because there are so few examples of marital bliss. But you should have the right expectations by being upfront and clear with what you want.
Then to achieve that goal, you must have a practical knowledge of how to attain it. We promise that you will not get there automatically, without effort, or with the wrong effort. If you want to drive across the country, you must go in the right direction and use a vehicle that will get you there.
Although it seems like marriage is just the “next logical step”, and you really know one another very well, marriage is unique. It’s different from anything else you have ever done. This is true even if you have been living together! Marriage is not just “making it legal”, or living under the same roof. Marriage is a purposeful enterprise designed specifically to generate immeasurable happiness. But you will not get there if you don’t know how, or worse if your natural habits and tendencies are actually destructive to your marriage. For instance if you’re already fighting in your relationship now, getting married will only amplify that. You need to learn how to stop and eliminate all fighting, which our program will help you do.
The best way to explain working with your marriage is with an analogy. Imagine you are in the cockpit of a large commercial airliner, but you’ve never received any pilot training. What would you do? Maybe you could figure out how to start it. Maybe you could figure out how to take off? Maybe you could survive for awhile, soaring in the blue sky. But what if you get caught in a storm? What if you run out of fuel? What about landing?
The safe thing to do would be to live in your airplane, on the tarmac, and pretend it is not intended for flying. Some couples actually do that with their marriage. They live a mundane, boring life, breaking up the monotony with sex as entertainment, and completely miss out on the deep love and intimacy available in marriage because they just do not know where or how to begin. It seems like it should be simple, easy, and natural. But it isn’t. The extreme worldwide divorce rate proves that. Our countless clients experiencing trouble in their marriages at our parent organization prove that.
All marriage “experts” are sincere and want to help you. But Paul discovered the cutting edge of marital science. It is spiritual, methodical, and most importantly his discoveries have saved thousands of families from divorce by showing them what you will learn now. TMF teachings are the future for marriage education, 100% driven by the twin polestars of love, and happiness.
If you think about it, you will see how different marriage is from anything else. The whole idea of being with one person for the rest of your life is a two edged sword.
On one hand, being with your best friend forever gives you the opportunity to develop that friendship and love without restrictions or limitations. But on the other hand you will need to make sure you know how to live in harmony forever.
Knowing how is the problem, because in most of life’s venues all you have to do is bow out if you you are displeased with any aspect of the arrangement. But divorce is not the easy way out most people imagine it is. That is not something you want to experience. The process can take over a year, cost tens of thousands of dollars, will turn you and your beloved into enemies, will traumatize your children, and cause years of misery for everyone involved except for the divorce lawyers, paralegals, and judges.
When you learn what you need to know, you will never think about escaping from your marriage. That’s because it will be working well, providing happiness for both of you, and continually expanding your hearts. Fortunately learning how to be married is far easier than going through divorce, even for those with decades of bad habits built up.
For you and your fiance, learning the proper behavior, attitudes, and communication will be very easy. The big challenge is keeping the importance of your premarital education in mind when it’s tempting to forget about the marriage and just plan for your wedding. Don’t make this mistake!
You will learn things that may not seem valuable at first, but take our word for it that everything is important. There are some critical aspects of marriage we teach that we have not seen any other educational organizations or individuals teach, and we have discovered that they make all the difference in world. This has helped us to become a leader in not only saving marriages, but also in preparing couples for marriage.
It is common sense, but people do not seem to realize that marriages are not like a pre-built house you just walk into and start living in.
Marriages are built one day at a time, starting from day one until the end of your life. It is a construction of love, but it still has to be done. We provide the context, which we call the Sacred Space of Marriage, as well as the tools. This is where your focus will be. If you focus on the right, and positive steps, you won’t have time for any of the toxic behaviors or emotions most people experience in their marriages.
Are you starting to see a need for this program?
The last thing we want is for you to take our program because your minister or parents told you to. We don’t want you to take our program halfheartedly. That won’t do much for you.
We used our experience working with married couples for almost 2 decades to set up a very efficient program for you that will help you understand and absorb the content with the least amount of effort. But some effort is required. In fact, the biggest thing we want is for you to pay attention.
You won’t realize the greatest benefits from your premarital education until after you’ve been married for a while. Only then will you be amazed at how your marriage is thriving while everyone else’s is floundering. You’ll see the mistakes your peers make in their marriages and be thankful you avoided all the pitfalls. You will know you have the tools and understanding to make your marriage last for the rest of your lives.
You will get it all so you will have it all. You take the courses individually, learning what is important for you as a woman, and as a man. The course are online so you can access them from your device or computer any time you want. You will also have access to our TMF marriage counselors who are happy, loving, and helpful.